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long-ter tegrations and stability of pary orbits our sor syste
we present the results of very long-ter nurical tegrations of pary orbital otions over 109 -yr ti-spans cdg all ne ps a quick spection of our nurical data shows that the pary otion, at least our siple dynaical odel, sees to be quite stable even over this very long ti-span a closer lk at the lowest-frequency osciltions g a low-pass filter shows the potentially diffive character of terrestrial pary otion, especially that of rcury the behaviour of the eentricity of rcury our tegrations is qualitatively siir to the results fro jacques skar's secur perturbation theory (eg eax~ 035 over ~± 4 gyr) however, there are no apparent secur creases of eentricity or ction any orbital elents of the ps, which ay be revealed by still longer-ter nurical tegrations we have also perford a uple of trial tegrations cdg otions of the outer five ps over the duration of ± 5 x 1010 yr the result dicates that the three ajor resonances the neptune–pto syste have been ataed over the 1011-yr ti-span
1 troduction
11defition of the proble
the question of the stability of our sor syste has been debated over several hundred years, sce the era of newton the proble has attracted any fao atheaticians over the years and has pyed a central role the developnt of non-lear dynaics and chaos theory however, we do not yet have a defite answer to the question of whether our sor syste is stable or not this is partly a result of the fact that the defition of the ter ‘stability’ is vague when it is ed retion to the proble of pary otion the sor syste actually it is not easy to give a clear, rigoro and physically angful defition of the stability of our sor syste
aong any defitions of stability, here we adopt the hill defition (gdan 1993): actually this is not a defition of stability, but of stability we defe a syste as beg unstable when a close enunter ours sowhere the syste, startg fro a certa itial nfiguration (chabers, wetherill ≈ap;ap;ap; boss 1996; ito ≈ap;ap;ap; tanikawa 1999) a syste is defed as experiencg a close enunter when o bodies approach one another with an area of the rger hill radi otherwise the syste is defed as beg stable henceforward we state that our pary syste is dynaically stable if no close enunter happens durg the age of our sor syste, about ±5 gyr cidentally, this defition ay be repced by one which an ourrence of any orbital crossg beeen either of a pair of ps takes pce this is becae we know fro experience that an orbital crossg is very likely to lead to a close enunter pary and proary systes (yoshaga, kokubo ≈ap;ap;ap; ako 1999) of urse this statent cannot be siply applied to systes with stable orbital resonances such as the neptune–pto syste
12previo studies and ais of this research
addition to the vagueness of the ncept of stability, the ps our sor syste show a character typical of dynaical chaos (ssan ≈ap;ap;ap; wisdo 1988, 1992) the cae of this chaotic behaviour is now partly understd as beg a result of resonance overppg (urray ≈ap;ap;ap; hon 1999; lecar, frankl ≈ap;ap;ap; hon 2001) however, it would require tegratg over an enseble of pary systes cdg all ne ps for a period verg several 10 gyr to thoroughly understand the long-ter evotion of pary orbits, sce chaotic dynaical systes are characterized by their strong dependence on itial nditions
fro that pot of view, any of the previo long-ter nurical tegrations cded only the outer five ps (ssan ≈ap;ap;ap; wisdo 1988; koshita ≈ap;ap;ap; nakai 1996) this is becae the orbital periods of the outer ps are so uch longer than those of the ner four ps that it is uch easier to follow the syste for a given tegration period at present, the longest nurical tegrations published journals are those of duncan ≈ap;ap;ap; lissauer (1998) although their a target was the effect of post-a-sequence sor ass loss on the stability of pary orbits, they perford any tegrations verg up to ~1011 yr of the orbital otions of the four jovian ps the itial orbital elents and asses of ps are the sa as those of our sor syste duncan ≈ap;ap;ap; lissauer's paper, but they decrease the ass of the sun gradually their nurical experts this is becae they nsider the effect of post-a-sequence sor ass loss the paper nsequently, they found that the crossg ti-scale of pary orbits, which can be a typical dicator of the stability ti-scale, is quite sensitive to the rate of ass decrease of the sun when the ass of the sun is close to its present vae, the jovian ps rea stable over 1010 yr, or perhaps longer duncan ≈ap;ap;ap; lissauer also perford four siir experts on the orbital otion of seven ps (ven to neptune), which ver a span of ~109 yr their experts on the seven ps are not yet prehensive, but it sees that the terrestrial ps also rea stable durg the tegration period, atag alost regur osciltions
on the other hand, his aurate sei-analytical secur perturbation theory (skar 1988), skar fds that rge and irregur variations can appear the eentricities and ctions of the terrestrial ps, especially of rcury and ars on a ti-scale of several 109 yr (skar 1996) the results of skar's secur perturbation theory should be nfird and vestigated by fully nurical tegrations
this paper we present preliary results of six long-ter nurical tegrations on all ne pary orbits, verg a span of several 109 yr, and of o other tegrations verg a span of ± 5 x 1010 yr the total epsed ti for all tegrations is ore than 5 yr, g several dedicated pcs and workstations one of the fundantal ncsions of our long-ter tegrations is that sor syste pary otion sees to be stable ters of the hill stability ntioned above, at least over a ti-span of ± 4 gyr actually, our nurical tegrations the syste was far ore stable than what is defed by the hill stability criterion: not only did no close enunter happen durg the tegration period, but also all the pary orbital elents have been nfed a narrow region both ti and frequency doa, though pary otions are stochastic sce the purpose of this paper is to exhibit and overview the results of our long-ter nurical tegrations, we show typical exaple figures as evidence of the very long-ter stability of sor syste pary otion for readers who have ore specific and deeper terests our nurical results, we have prepared a webpage (aess ), where we show raw orbital elents, their low-pass filtered results, variation of deunay elents and angur ontu deficit, and results of our siple ti–frequency analysis on all of our tegrations
section 2 we briefly exp our dynaical odel, nurical thod and itial nditions ed our tegrations section 3 is devoted to a description of the quick results of the nurical tegrations very long-ter stability of sor syste pary otion is apparent both pary positions and orbital elents a rough estiation of nurical errors is also given section 4 goes on to a discsion of the longest-ter variation of pary orbits g a low-pass filter and cdes a discsion of angur ontu deficit section 5, we present a set of nurical tegrations for the outer five ps that spans ± 5 x 1010 yr section 6 we also discs the long-ter stability of the pary otion and its possible cae
2 description of the nurical tegrations
23 nurical thod
we utilize a send-order wisdo–hon syplectic ap as our a tegration thod (wisdo ≈ap;ap;ap; hon 1991; koshita, yoshida ≈ap;ap;ap; nakai 1991) with a special start-up procedure to reduce the truncation error of angle variables,‘war start’(saha ≈ap;ap;ap; treae 1992, 1994)
the stepsize for the nurical tegrations is 8 d throughout all tegrations of the ne ps (n±1,2,3), which is about 1/11 of the orbital period of the nerost p (rcury) as for the deteration of stepsize, we partly follow the previo nurical tegration of all ne ps ssan ≈ap;ap;ap; wisdo (1988, 72 d) and saha ≈ap;ap;ap; treae (1994, 225/32 d) we rounded the decial part of the their stepsizes to 8 to ake the stepsize a ultiple of 2 order to reduce the auution of round-off error the putation processes retion to this, wisdo ≈ap;ap;ap; hon (1991) perford nurical tegrations of the outer five pary orbits g the syplectic ap with a stepsize of 400 d, 1/1083 of the orbital period of jupiter their result sees to be aurate enough, which partly jtifies our thod of deterg the stepsize however, sce the eentricity of jupiter (~005) is uch saller than that of rcury (~02), we need so care when we pare these tegrations siply ters of stepsizes
the tegration of the outer five ps (f±), we fixed the stepsize at 400 d
we adopt gas' f and g functions the syplectic ap together with the third-order halley thod (danby 1992) as a solver for kepler equations the nuber of axiu iterations we set halley's thod is 15, but they never reached the axiu any of our tegrations
the terval of the data output is 200 000 d (~547 yr) for the calcutions of all ne ps (n±1,2,3), and about 8000 000 d (~21 903 yr) for the tegration of the outer five ps (f±)
although no output filterg was done when the nurical tegrations were process, we applied a low-pass filter to the raw orbital data after we had pleted all the calcutions see section 41 for ore detail
24 error estiation
241 retive errors total energy and angur ontu
aordg to one of the basic properties of syplectic tegrators, which nserve the physically nservative quantities well (total orbital energy and angur ontu), our long-ter nurical tegrations see to have been perford with very sall errors the averaged retive errors of total energy (~10?9) and of total angur ontu (~10?11) have reaed nearly nstant throughout the tegration period (fig 1) the special startup procedure, war start, would have reduced the averaged retive error total energy by about one order of agnitude or ore
retive nurical error of the total angur ontu δa/a0 and the total energy δe/e0 our nurical tegrationsn± 1,2,3, where δe and δa are the absote change of the total energy and total angur ontu, respectively, ande0anda0are their itial vaes the horizontal unit is gyr
note that different operatg systes, different atheatical libraries, and different hardware architectures result different nurical errors, through the variations round-off error handlg and nurical algoriths the upper panel of fig 1, we can regnize this situation the secur nurical error the total angur ontu, which should be rigoroly preserved up to ache-e precision
242 error pary longitudes
sce the syplectic aps preserve total energy and total angur ontu of n-body dynaical systes herently well, the degree of their preservation ay not be a gd asure of the auracy of nurical tegrations, especially as a asure of the positional error of ps, ie the error pary longitudes to estiate the nurical error the pary longitudes, we perford the follog procedures we pared the result of our a long-ter tegrations with so test tegrations, which span uch shorter periods but with uch higher auracy than the a tegrations for this purpose, we perford a uch ore aurate tegration with a stepsize of 0125 d (1/64 of the a tegrations) spanng 3 x 105 yr, startg with the sa itial nditions as the n?1 tegration we nsider that this test tegration provides with a ‘pseudo-true’ sotion of pary orbital evotion next, we pare the test tegration with the a tegration, n?1 for the period of 3 x 105 yr, we see a difference an anoalies of the earth beeen the o tegrations of ~052°( the case of the n?1 tegration) this difference can be extrapoted to the vae ~8700°, about 25 rotations of earth after 5 gyr, sce the error of longitudes creases learly with ti the syplectic ap siirly, the longitude error of pto can be estiated as ~12° this vae for pto is uch better than the result koshita ≈ap;ap;ap; nakai (1996) where the difference is estiated as ~60°
3 nurical results – i gnce at the raw data
this section we briefly review the long-ter stability of pary orbital otion through so snapshots of raw nurical data the orbital otion of ps dicates long-ter stability all of our nurical tegrations: no orbital crossgs nor close enunters beeen any pair of ps tk pce
31 general description of the stability of pary orbits
first, we briefly lk at the general character of the long-ter stability of pary orbits our terest here foces particurly on the ner four terrestrial ps for which the orbital ti-scales are uch shorter than those of the outer five ps as we can see clearly fro the pnar orbital nfigurations shown figs 2 and 3, orbital positions of the terrestrial ps differ little beeen the itial and fal part of each nurical tegration, which spans several gyr the solid les denotg the present orbits of the ps lie alost with the swar of dots even the fal part of tegrations (b) and (d) this dicates that throughout the entire tegration period the alost regur variations of pary orbital otion rea nearly the sa as they are at present
vertical view of the four ner pary orbits (fro the z -axis direction) at the itial and fal parts of the tegrationsn±1 the axes units are au the xy -pne is set to the variant pne of sor syste total angur ontu(a) the itial part ofn+1 ( t = 0 to 00547 x 10 9 yr)(b) the fal part ofn+1 ( t = 49339 x 10 8 to 49886 x 10 9 yr)(c) the itial part of n?1 (t= 0 to ?00547 x 109 yr)(d) the fal part ofn?1 ( t =?39180 x 10 9 to ?39727 x 10 9 yr) each panel, a total of 23 684 pots are plotted with an terval of about 2190 yr over 547 x 107 yr solid les each panel denote the present orbits of the four terrestrial ps (taken fro de245)
the variation of eentricities and orbital ctions for the ner four ps the itial and fal part of the tegration n+1 is shown fig 4 as expected, the character of the variation of pary orbital elents does not differ significantly beeen the itial and fal part of each tegration, at least for ven, earth and ars the elents of rcury, especially its eentricity, see to change to a significant extent this is partly becae the orbital ti-scale of the p is the shortest of all the ps, which leads to a ore rapid orbital evotion than other ps; the nerost p ay be nearest to stability this result appears to be so agreent with skar's (1994, 1996) expectations that rge and irregur variations appear the eentricities and ctions of rcury on a ti-scale of several 109 yr however, the effect of the possible stability of the orbit of rcury ay not fatally affect the global stability of the whole pary syste og to the sall ass of rcury we will ntion briefly the long-ter orbital evotion of rcury ter section 4 g low-pass filtered orbital elents
the orbital otion of the outer five ps sees rigoroly stable and quite regur over this ti-span (see also section 5)
32 ti–frequency aps
although the pary otion exhibits very long-ter stability defed as the non-existence of close enunter events, the chaotic nature of pary dynaics can change the osciltory period and aplitude of pary orbital otion gradually over such long ti-spans even such slight fctuations of orbital variation the frequency doa, particurly the case of earth, can potentially have a significant effect on its surface cliate syste through sor sotion variation (cf berger 1988)
to give an overview of the long-ter change periodicity pary orbital otion, we perford any fast fourier transforations (ffts) along the ti axis, and superposed the resultg periodgras to draw o-dsional ti–frequency aps the specific approach to drag these ti–frequency aps this paper is very siple – uch sipler than the wavelet analysis or skar's (1990, 1993) frequency analysis
divide the low-pass filtered orbital data to any fragnts of the sa length the length of each data segnt should be a ultiple of 2 order to apply the fft
each fragnt of the data has a rge overppg part: for exaple, when the ith data begs fro t=ti and ends at t=ti+t, the next data segnt ranges fro ti+δt≤ti+δt+t, where δt?t we ntue this division until we reach a certa nuber n by which tn+t reaches the total tegration length
we apply an fft to each of the data fragnts, and obta n frequency diagras
each frequency diagra obtaed above, the strength of periodicity can be repced by a grey-scale (or lour) chart
we perfor the repcent, and nnect all the grey-scale (or lour) charts to one graph for each tegration the horizontal axis of these new graphs should be the ti, ie the startg tis of each fragnt of data (ti, where i= 1,…, n) the vertical axis represents the period (or frequency) of the osciltion of orbital elents
we have adopted an fft becae of its overwhelg speed, sce the aount of nurical data to be deposed to frequency ponents is terribly huge (several tens of gbytes)
a typical exaple of the ti–frequency ap created by the above procedures is shown a grey-scale diagra as fig 5, which shows the variation of periodicity the eentricity and ction of earth n+2 tegration fig 5, the dark area shows that at the ti dicated by the vae on the abscissa, the periodicity dicated by the ordate is stronger than the lighter area around it we can regnize fro this ap that the periodicity of the eentricity and ction of earth only changes slightly over the entire period vered by the n+2 tegration this nearly regur trend is qualitatively the sa other tegrations and for other ps, although typical frequencies differ p by p and elent by elent
42 long-ter exchange of orbital energy and angur ontu
we calcute very long-periodic variation and exchange of pary orbital energy and angur ontu g filtered deunay elents l, g, h g and h are equivalent to the pary orbital angur ontu and its vertical ponent per unit ass l is reted to the pary orbital energy e per unit ass as e=?μ2/2l2 if the syste is pletely lear, the orbital energy and the angur ontu each frequency b t be nstant non-learity the pary syste can cae an exchange of energy and angur ontu the frequency doa the aplitude of the lowest-frequency osciltion should crease if the syste is unstable and breaks down gradually however, such a sypto of stability is not proent our long-ter tegrations
fig 7, the total orbital energy and angur ontu of the four ner ps and all ne ps are shown for tegration n+2 the upper three panels show the long-periodic variation of total energy (denoted ase- e0), total angur ontu ( g- g0), and the vertical ponent ( h- h0) of the ner four ps calcuted fro the low-pass filtered deunay elentse0, g0, h0 denote the itial vaes of each quantity the absote difference fro the itial vaes is plotted the panels the lower three panels each figure showe-e0,g-g0 andh-h0 of the total of ne ps the fctuation shown the lower panels is virtually entirely a result of the assive jovian ps
parg the variations of energy and angur ontu of the ner four ps and all ne ps, it is apparent that the aplitudes of those of the ner ps are uch saller than those of all ne ps: the aplitudes of the outer five ps are uch rger than those of the ner ps this does not an that the ner terrestrial pary subsyste is ore stable than the outer one: this is siply a result of the retive sallness of the asses of the four terrestrial ps pared with those of the outer jovian ps another thg we notice is that the ner pary subsyste ay bee unstable ore rapidly than the outer one becae of its shorter orbital ti-scales this can be seen the panels denoted asner 4 fig 7 where the longer-periodic and irregur osciltions are ore apparent than the panels denoted astotal 9 actually, the fctuations thener 4 panels are to a rge extent as a result of the orbital variation of the rcury however, we cannot neglect the ntribution fro other terrestrial ps, as we will see subsequent sections
44 long-ter uplg of several neighbourg p pairs
let see so dividual variations of pary orbital energy and angur ontu expressed by the low-pass filtered deunay elents figs 10 and 11 show long-ter evotion of the orbital energy of each p and the angur ontu n+1 and n?2 tegrations we notice that so ps for apparent pairs ters of orbital energy and angur ontu exchange particur, ven and earth ake a typical pair the figures, they show negative rretions exchange of energy and positive rretions exchange of angur ontu the negative rretion exchange of orbital energy ans that the o ps for a closed dynaical syste ters of the orbital energy the positive rretion exchange of angur ontu ans that the o ps are siultaneoly under certa long-ter perturbations candidates for perturbers are jupiter and saturn also fig 11, we can see that ars shows a positive rretion the angur ontu variation to the ven–earth syste rcury exhibits certa negative rretions the angur ontu vers the ven–earth syste, which sees to be a reaction caed by the nservation of angur ontu the terrestrial pary subsyste
it is not clear at the ont why the ven–earth pair exhibits a negative rretion energy exchange and a positive rretion angur ontu exchange we ay possibly exp this through observg the general fact that there are no secur ters pary seiajor axes up to send-order perturbation theories (cf brouwer ≈ap;ap;ap; clence 1961; boaletti ≈ap;ap;ap; pucao 1998) this ans that the pary orbital energy (which is directly reted to the seiajor axis a) ight be uch less affected by perturbg ps than is the angur ontu exchange (which retes to e) hence, the eentricities of ven and earth can be disturbed easily by jupiter and saturn, which results a positive rretion the angur ontu exchange on the other hand, the seiajor axes of ven and earth are less likely to be disturbed by the jovian ps th the energy exchange ay be liited only with the ven–earth pair, which results a negative rretion the exchange of orbital energy the pair
as for the outer jovian pary subsyste, jupiter–saturn and uran–neptune see to ake dynaical pairs however, the strength of their uplg is not as strong pared with that of the ven–earth pair
5 ± 5 x 1010-yr tegrations of outer pary orbits
sce the jovian pary asses are uch rger than the terrestrial pary asses, we treat the jovian pary syste as an dependent pary syste ters of the study of its dynaical stability hence, we added a uple of trial tegrations that span ± 5 x 1010 yr, cdg only the outer five ps (the four jovian ps ps pto) the results exhibit the rigoro stability of the outer pary syste over this long ti-span orbital nfigurations (fig 12), and variation of eentricities and ctions (fig 13) show this very long-ter stability of the outer five ps both the ti and the frequency doas although we do not show aps here, the typical frequency of the orbital osciltion of pto and the other outer ps is alost nstant durg these very long-ter tegration periods, which is deonstrated the ti–frequency aps on our webpage
these o tegrations, the retive nurical error the total energy was ~10?6 and that of the total angur ontu was ~10?10
51 resonances the neptune–pto syste
koshita ≈ap;ap;ap; nakai (1996) tegrated the outer five pary orbits over ± 55 x 109 yr they found that four ajor resonances beeen neptune and pto are ataed durg the whole tegration period, and that the resonances ay be the a caes of the stability of the orbit of pto the ajor four resonances found previo research are as follows the follog description,λ denotes the an longitude,Ω is the longitude of the ascendg node and ? is the longitude of perihelion subscripts p and n denote pto and neptune
an otion resonance beeen neptune and pto (3:2) the critical argunt θ1= 3 λp? 2 λn??p librates around 180° with an aplitude of about 80° and a libration period of about 2 x 104 yr
the argunt of perihelion of pto wp=θ2=?p?Ωp librates around 90° with a period of about 38 x 106 yr the doant periodic variations of the eentricity and ction of pto are synchronized with the libration of its argunt of perihelion this is anticipated the secur perturbation theory nstructed by kozai (1962)
the longitude of the node of pto referred to the longitude of the node of neptune,θ3=Ωp?Ωn, circutes and the period of this circution is equal to the period of θ2 libration when θ3 bees zero, ie the longitudes of ascendg nodes of neptune and pto overp, the ction of pto bees axiu, the eentricity bees iu and the argunt of perihelion bees 90° when θ3 bees 180°, the ction of pto bees iu, the eentricity bees axiu and the argunt of perihelion bees 90° aga willias ≈ap;ap;ap; benson (1971) anticipated this type of resonance, ter nfird by i, nobili ≈ap;ap;ap; carpo (1989)
an argunt θ4=?p??n+ 3 (Ωp?Ωn) librates around 180° with a long period,~ 57 x 108 yr
our nurical tegrations, the resonances (i)–(iii) are well ataed, and variation of the critical argunts θ1,θ2,θ3 rea siir durg the whole tegration period (figs 14–16 ) however, the fourth resonance (iv) appears to be different: the critical argunt θ4 alternates libration and circution over a 1010-yr ti-scale (fig 17) this is an terestg fact that koshita ≈ap;ap;ap; nakai's (1995, 1996) shorter tegrations were not able to disclose
6 discsion
what kd of dynaical chanis atas this long-ter stability of the pary syste? we can idiately thk of o ajor features that ay be responsible for the long-ter stability first, there see to be no significant lower-order resonances (an otion and secur) beeen any pair aong the ne ps jupiter and saturn are close to a 5:2 an otion resonance (the fao ‘great equality’), but not jt the resonance zone higher-order resonances ay cae the chaotic nature of the pary dynaical otion, but they are not so strong as to destroy the stable pary otion with the lifeti of the real sor syste the send feature, which we thk is ore iportant for the long-ter stability of our pary syste, is the difference dynaical distance beeen terrestrial and jovian pary subsystes (ito ≈ap;ap;ap; tanikawa 1999, 2001) when we asure pary separations by the utual hill radii (r_), separations aong terrestrial ps are greater than 26rh, whereas those aong jovian ps are less than 14rh this difference is directly reted to the difference beeen dynaical features of terrestrial and jovian ps terrestrial ps have saller asses, shorter orbital periods and wider dynaical separation they are strongly perturbed by jovian ps that have rger asses, longer orbital periods and narrower dynaical separation jovian ps are not perturbed by any other assive bodies
the present terrestrial pary syste is still beg disturbed by the assive jovian ps however, the wide separation and utual teraction aong the terrestrial ps renders the disturbance effective; the degree of disturbance by jovian ps is o(ej)(order of agnitude of the eentricity of jupiter), sce the disturbance caed by jovian ps is a forced osciltion havg an aplitude of o(ej) heighteng of eentricity, for exaple o(ej)~005, is far fro sufficient to provoke stability the terrestrial ps havg such a wide separation as 26rh th we assu that the present wide dynaical separation aong terrestrial ps (≈ap;ap;gt; 26rh) is probably one of the ost significant nditions for atag the stability of the pary syste over a 109-yr ti-span our detailed analysis of the retionship beeen dynaical distance beeen ps and the stability ti-scale of sor syste pary otion is now on-gog
although our nurical tegrations span the lifeti of the sor syste, the nuber of tegrations is far fro sufficient to fill the itial phase space it is necessary to perfor ore and ore nurical tegrations to nfir and exae detail the long-ter stability of our pary dynaics
——以上文段引自 ito, t≈ap;ap; tanikawa, k long-ter tegrations and stability of pary orbits our sor syste on not r astron soc 336, 483–500 (2002)
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